Selected Journal Publications
Please contact me at ( imdo [at] princeton [dot] edu ) if you'd like a copy of the publications below.
I.M. de Oliveira, E.M. Sosa, E. Baker, S. Adriaenssens, Experimental and numerical investigation of a rotational kirigami system, Thin-Walled Structures 192 (2023) 111123. DOI: 10.1016/j.tws.2023.111123.
I.M. de Oliveira, R.M.O. Pauletti, and L.C. Meneghetti, Connection system for gridshell structures using parametric modeling and digital fabrication, Automation in Construction 109 (2020) 102996. DOI: j.autcon.2019.102996.
I.M. de Oliveira*, S. McClellan*, C. Rauch, S. Adriaenssens, and J. Greenberg, Exploratory analysis of a crowdsourcing metadata tool for building terminological consensus in civil engineering, Automation in Construction 166 (2024) 105627. DOI: 10.1016/j.autcon.2024.105627. *joint first-authors.